Impress With Your Speech

Impress With Your Speech

Duration: 6 days Do you have trouble finding the right words when explaining things in important situations, such as interviews, presentations, meetings, phone calls or video conferences? Do you get anxiousnervousconfusedtalk too fast or even stutter? If you answered yes to any of the above, relax… help is here! If you have trouble speaking well, this verbal communication course can change your life.


About Course

*** Upon successful completion of your purchase, you will receive access to the course material within 24 hours. ***
*** Please be aware that the language of instruction for this course is English. ***

“Impress With Your Speech” is a comprehensive course that focuses on enhancing communication skills. The course covers various important aspects of effective communication, including the key factors of successful communication, performance and presentation planning, negotiation techniques, and verbal dos and don’ts. The course includes a wide range of speech exercises to help participants practice and improve their speaking abilities.

Whether you’re looking to improve your public speaking skills or become more confident in your professional or personal interactions, this course will provide you with the tools and techniques needed to impress with your speech.


By taking the course “Impress With Your Speech”, you will gain a number of valuable skills and knowledge that will help you improve your communication abilities. Some of the specific benefits you can expect to gain from this course include:

  1. A better understanding of the key factors that contribute to successful communication, including body language, tone, and word choice.
  2. Improved performance and presentation planning skills, which will help you organize and deliver effective speeches and presentations.
  3. More effective negotiation skills, which will allow you to more effectively advocate for your ideas and goals in a variety of settings.
  4. A deeper understanding of the dos and don’ts of verbal communication, which will help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.
  5. A set of practical exercises and techniques that will help you improve your speaking abilities and increase your confidence when communicating with others.
  6. The ability to connect and persuade your audience with your speech, make them retain your message and take action.
  7. The opportunity to practice and apply what you have learned in the course, in a safe and supportive environment.


Overall, this course will help you become a more effective and confident communicator, which will benefit you in your personal and professional life.

Course Content




Urška Kamenik

CEO, Uconnect Solutions

I guarantee you support and guidance until you reach your set goals, provided that you are actively involved and follow the program as outlined.

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Ključne izkušnje je pridobila v institucijah, kot sta Heinrich Heine College v Düsseldorfu in Twin Orchard Country Club v Chicagu. 

V svoji karieri je vodila številne projekte s področja javnega nastopanja, komuniciranja in debatiranja. Njena 9-letna pot v rasti podjetij sega do severnih držav in petih ameriških zveznih držav, še posebej v sektorjih, kot so strojništvo, avtomobilska industrija, e-trgovina, arhitektura in zdravstvo. 

Urša, ki tekoče govori pet jezikov, s svojimi raznolikimi mednarodnimi izkušnjami ponuja edinstven vpogled v globalno poslovno dinamiko.

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