Master Your Nonverbal Communication

Master Your Nonverbal Communication

Duration: 6 days Most people do not realize that the great majority of communication is non-verbal. Whenever we speak, our brain sends information to different parts of our body to display the message we want to convey. If you observe the gesture, posture, and facial expressions of a speaker, you can easily identify what exactly they want to say. Whether you’re meeting one-on-one with a friend, sitting in a business meeting, or giving a presentation, you need to know how to use nonverbal communication to your advantage. Do you want to learn how to recognize a lie and how to adapt your communication to suit any situation? This non-verbal communication course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain and improve their knowledge of body language, lie detection, social skills, and communication skills.


About Course

*** Upon successful completion of your purchase, you will receive access to the course material within 24 hours. ***
*** Please be aware that the language of instruction for this course is English. ***

Welcome to the Master Your Nonverbal Communication Course! In this course, we will be diving into the theory and practical application of nonverbal communication, also known as body language.

First, we will cover the basics of how we communicate with others and why understanding nonverbal communication is important.

Then, we will delve into the different elements of nonverbal communication, including proxemics, kinesics, paralanguage, chronemics, and haptics. We will also discuss the functions and meanings of nonverbal communication and how to improve its use.

Next, we will focus on mastering the use of nonverbal communication in various situations, including first impressions, tidiness and etiquette, and understanding nonverbal cues from different body parts. We will also cover how to detect lies and best practices for nonverbal communication.

Finally, we will summarize what we have learned and discuss what steps to take next to continue improving your nonverbal communication skills.

Throughout the course, there will be quizzes to test your understanding of the material and help you apply your newfound knowledge. By the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of nonverbal communication and the tools to improve your own skills. Let’s get started!

Course Content



Urška Kamenik

CEO, Uconnect Solutions

I guarantee you support and guidance until you reach your set goals, provided that you are actively involved and follow the program as outlined.

Why Ursha?

Urša je izkušena strokovnjakinja za razvoj podjetij in blagovnih znamk z magistrsko diplomo iz mednarodne ekonomije in ozadjem v angleščini in analitični filozofiji. 

Ključne izkušnje je pridobila v institucijah, kot sta Heinrich Heine College v Düsseldorfu in Twin Orchard Country Club v Chicagu. 

V svoji karieri je vodila številne projekte s področja javnega nastopanja, komuniciranja in debatiranja. Njena 9-letna pot v rasti podjetij sega do severnih držav in petih ameriških zveznih držav, še posebej v sektorjih, kot so strojništvo, avtomobilska industrija, e-trgovina, arhitektura in zdravstvo. 

Urša, ki tekoče govori pet jezikov, s svojimi raznolikimi mednarodnimi izkušnjami ponuja edinstven vpogled v globalno poslovno dinamiko.

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Master Your Nonverbal Communication

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